August 16


Should You Renovate Before Selling?

Pondering over the question – "should I renovate before selling?". This article unravels the many mysteries surrounding the idea of sprucing up your home prior to its sale. Primarily, we'll be shedding light on:

  • Common concerns that homeowners wrestle with when considering renovations pre-sale.
  • How to balance between investment for renovation and enhanced sale value.
  • Renovation projects that ensure a high return on investment (ROI), and those worth giving a second thought.

A quick peek at our discussion points in this article:

  • Factors to weigh when considering renovations prior to selling home.
  • Projects that definitely pay off.
  • Renovations that could help, but may not always yield desired ROI.


Getting your home to sell is often a game of strategy. Learning when to invest in renovations, and when not to, is a key aspect of this strategy. Here's looking at essential factors you should mull over before taking a decision, and understanding how renovations can dynamically alter your selling stratagem.

Unquestionably, your principal consideration should be the balance between the cost of renovation and potential earnings from the tweaked sale price after renovation (is it worth renovating a house before selling) – a task no less challenging than walking a tightrope.

Renovations that Pay Off

General Repairs

No matter how insignificant it seems to you, anything that is broken or malfunctioning in the house can turn off potential buyers. The state of your home, to a large extent, influences the perception of its condition in the minds of potential buyers. As a word to the wise, never underestimate the power of some plumping, plastering and painting when it comes to selling your home.

Spruce up with Neutral Colour Paint

Research indicates that homes with walls painted in neutral colours sell quicker and potentially for more money. You could keep costs in check by doing the paint job yourself, ensuring an even more positive return on your investment.

Decluttering and Professional Cleaning

The duo of decluttering and cleaning can work wonders in enhancing the appeal of your home. By presenting a clean and spacious house, you increase the chance of your home renovations creating the right impression on the potential buyers.

Renovations That Could Boost Your Sale Price – But May Not Always

Kitchen Makeovers

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but overhauling it before selling may not always bring in big bucks. Balancing modern functionality with personal touches is sometimes trickier than it appears. On the whole, straightforward cosmetic upgrades are wiser choices over full kitchen rebuilds, unless your existing kitchen is in desperate need of renovation (Refer: should I renovate kitchen before selling).

Luxurious Bathrooms

Bathrooms are a close second to kitchens in terms of selling point. However, decisions regarding bathroom renovations should be driven by various factors. If a simple freshen up will suffice, shelling out bucks for a high-end renovation may not give you the ROI you anticipate.

Eye-catching, Intense Landscaping

While picturesque landscaping may draw buyers in, this doesn't always translate into a higher selling price. Different buyers have different preferences for garden maintenance, so excessive beatification might not always pay off.

Invisible Essentials

These refer to things like roofing, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems – elements that form the backbone of any residence, but often don't materially impact the selling price. This is because most buyers expect these essentials to be present and in good working order – they won't pay much extra for them.

Replacing Flooring

The type of flooring you have can, to some extent, influence your home value. Parquet flooring might fetch a larger ROI compared to replacing old carpet with new. However, it's always advisable to first gauge the market before making drastic changes (Consult: should I remodel my house before selling it).

Renovations to Sidestep

Swimming Pools

Though a swimming pool can be an attractive feature, the drawbacks often outweigh the advantages. Many buyers view pools as potential safety hazards or unnecessary maintenance expenses, causing this feature to potentially decrease your overall home value.

Wall to Wall Carpeting

Today, the choice leans more towards hardwood and tile, making carpeting a less popular option. It is advisable to replace carpets only if they are worn out or outdated.

Personalizing Rooms

Customizing rooms to cater to specific purposes or hobbies might seem appealing to certain buyers but can also limit your audience. It’s often advised to keep spaces versatile, offering potential buyers the ability to create their imagination.

Bespoke Extensions

Although major home additions might seem an attractive proposition for an owner, they may not always translate into potential returns upon sale. The consideration should be more towards a longer-term stay rather than selling (Refer: should I renovate or sell).

Over-the-top Landscaping

Although a well-manicured garden can be a selling point, extravagant landscaping might not appeal to every buyer. Some might prefer simpler, low-maintenance gardens, making excessive landscaping an effort wasted.

All-new HVAC Systems

While new HVAC systems enhance the living experience in the home, they may not necessarily yield higher returns. In general, buyers are more likely to appreciate visible improvements over mechanical upgrades.

Top-of-the-line Appliances

Though shiny new gadgets look impressive, not every buyer would want to pay more for the home because of them. Personal preferences in appliances often take precedence over existing installations.


So, is it worth remodelling a kitchen before selling? Or should you renovate your home at all before putting it up for sale? This article attempts to answer these questions by dissecting the intricacies and weighing the pros and cons (Review: best home renovations before selling).

However, the ultimate decision should be underpinned by a solid understanding of the property market trends and an expert's advice, ensuring you strike the right balance between investment and potential returns.

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